Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Summer arrives: the warriors fall

fallen, originally uploaded by windupbaerd.
Summer arrives on wings of death, raking in its wake the final breath of many a fallen warrior denied sanctuary and safety from an ultraviolet glare, delivering a silent demise in the now, and a promise of cutaneous malignancy (for the rest of us) in the morrow.

because your word...

because your word..., originally uploaded by windupbaerd.
...just isn't good enough.

If you ever happen to get caught in a train that's been delayed and therefore cannot make it on time for work, please avail yourself of one of these "Late Notifications," issued at the station office, that magically imparts an air of authenticity as you explain to your boss later in the morning why you were REALLY off by five minutes.


Yamakasa Yamakasa

The Hakata Gion Yamakasa ended just last week, and in the rain I am told. In the few days leading up to the festival the floats that will be carried during the matsuri can be found dotting several locations in the city, like this one, outside the Fukuoka Asian Museum of Art.