Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Spare an organ, anyone?

Spare an organ?

A little bit behind on this, but PROJECT GRYPHON appears in the July - August issue of Pedestal Magazine (issue 58). Was hoping to have an illustration go with this, but getting all the angles right for a head made of twenty-three holophones has turned out to be more challenging than typing up the words 'twenty-three holophone' in the first place. Here's a little drawing to go with it, one that falls short of the mood and holographic projections that I can see rather clearly in my head, I'm sad to say(so what else is new?).

Early sketch, showing how the head may come together, a rather complex thing really...

...necessitating a 3D model, to assist with the angles.

Had this sleek idea for a taser that I couldn't really translate into paper, until I found out about the TASER C2, truly a beauty by design. 


"...with pocket tasers for fingers..."

The final shape of the atomizer came about from the sensibilities of the tetraheron, as enspoused in this article. For the body, the drawing below does not necessarily illustrate the effect of fusing a bunch of screens together(the sketch above does a slightly better job), although the final shape was a nice surprise.


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